5 Steps to Overcome The Fear of Live Streaming

5 Steps to Overcome The Fear of Live Streaming

Does your heart race or your hands get sweaty when you think about doing a live stream?

I know the feeling. 

When I was first introduced to live stream back in the Periscope days, it was amazing and frightening at the same time.

I spent hours watching other people's live streams. I found it exhilarating that people were sharing a side of themselves we, the viewers, may not have seen otherwise. 

I knew I wanted to be apart of this new social movement, but I froze every time I went to press the go live button.  

Fear had me paralyzed and trap in the spectator box. 

The more I watched others, the more I wanted to jump in to share my story and expertise, the stronger my fear become. 

I kept telling myself I had to get past the fear.

The funny thing is, there was no getting past it. I had to embrace it.

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Here are the five things I did to embrace

my fear of doing live streams:

STEP ONE: I wrote it down.

I made a list of all the awful things that could go wrong.  Then I made a list of all the amazing things that could go right. 

I read both lists out loud and decided I could live with the awful things like, not having anyone show up for my live stream, messing up, having something in my teeth, looking fat, etc. 

Making the two lists helped me see just how silly my fears were and how all the great benefits of going live outweighed my insecurities.  

STEP TWO: I challenge myself.

I joined a Periscope challenge and went live every day for 30 days. The challenge pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped me show up consistently.   

STEP THREE: I asked for support.

I invited my friends and clients to my live streams. Seeing familiar names pop up helped ease the jitters and made me feel a little more comfortable.

STEP FOUR: I quickly adapted to other platforms.

When new live stream platforms we launched like Snapchat, BLAB, and Facebook, I jumped in with both feet before the fear could set in.

STEP FIVE: I talked about my fear.

I shared my experience of embracing my fear of live streaming with others. By sharing my story, I helped people overcome their fears and that helped me feel empowered.   

Showing up and embracing my fears of live streaming has introduced me and my business to a whole new way of creating content and connecting with my audience.

 I no longer give a second thought when going live, doing videos, or speaking in front of a live audience.

By embracing my fears of live streaming,

I conquered them. 

If you are still waiting to press the go love button, I encourage you to follow the above steps to move past your fears. 

Live streaming is an excellent way for entrepreneurs, speakers, and authors to create content and attract your target audience.

Do you struggle with using live stream or recording video? 

I would love to hear from you. Please share your stories and experiences in the comments below. 

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