3 Actions You Need To Consistently Make Money In Your Business.

3 Steps To Consistently Make Money In Your Business.

Does your business revenue feel like a roller coaster ride? One month your up and the next month your down.

If so, you are not alone. I was once on that same roller coaster of having great revenue months only to be followed by little to no revenue the next month.

I would sit and watch other people my industry kill it month after month, and I could not figure out what I was doing wrong until I decided to do some detective work.

What I found was this...

During my earning months, there were three actions present. And on my low to no earning months, one or more of those same actions were missing. 

The three missing actions are so simple yet essential to consistent income and business growth. I share them with you below.

3 Steps To Consistently Make Money In Your Business.

Lead Generation


Lead generation is super important. And when I say lead generation, I mean you attract new leads (new people) into your business. 

During my 5-figure earning months, I did lead generation actions. I soon realized that I should consistently be generating new leads. A lot of people refer to this as a listed building.

You must bring in new potential clients into your lead generation funnel daily

An easy way to do this is by using a lead magnet. Many people also refer to this as a bride or freebie. 

A lead magnet is a gift you give a potential new lead in exchange for their email address. 

Examples of lead magnets are:

  • Checklist

  • Workbook or Worksheet 

  • Cheatsheet

  • Resource List

  • Training Video

  • eBook or Guide

Your lead magnet should help your target audience take immediate action to solve a problem they are having.

A lead magnet is a great way to attract your ideal clients, and once they exchange their email address with your valuable gift, you have a new potential client in your funnel.

Now that you have that new lead in your business, the next thing that you want to do is lead them to an offer.

3 Steps To Consistently Make Money In Your Business.

Your Offer


Your offer has to be something your ideal clients have an immediate need for, it should be of immense value, and it must make sense to them. 

Tie your offer to a goal or a deep desire your ideal client has by mentioning the benefits of your offer and the transformation they will receive from it.

You don't want to present an offer that doesn't connect with or makes sense to that particular person. Which is why segmenting your lead magnets is super important. 

When I say segmenting, I mean separating the types of lead magnets you create and then lead people back to offers that are valuable to them at that present moment. 

For instance, if you're someone who sells fruit, you wouldn't go to a fruit farm to sell your fruit. They're already growing fruit. Instead, you could create showcase boxes to put them in and sell your fruit at the farmers market.

Again you only want to lead people to offers that make sense to them; that’s where the lead generation segmentation comes into play. 

Making an offer is a crucial step. I see many people get new leads in their business, but they never present an offer.

How can you serve your tribe if you are not presenting them with offers to work with you? Your lead magnet will only take them, but so far, don't leave them hanging.

And please don't do it to say you have a massive email list. Having a large email list will not pay the bills, only showing up solving real problems can do that.

Look, I know it can be scary to ask people to pay you for your expertise, but you won’t get paid if you don't ask. You have to decide if fear is more important than living out your dreams.

3 Steps To Consistently Make Money In Your Business.

ACTION three: Automation

For everything I mentioned above to work, it has to be automated. You want to make sure people who are new to your see the value you are offering and take action right away.

Using a Landing Page to market your lead magnet land is perfect for that very reason. Many people mistake a landing page for a page on their website. 

A landing page is a standalone web page that will only provide people who land on it with information for that particular lead magnet and nothing else.

When people land on a landing page, they're going to do one of two things. They're going to sign up, or they're going to leave the page. You were not giving them too many choices or options.

Not giving too many options with help, new landing page visitors take action and enter your funnel and receive their free gift (your lead magnet).

When someone signed up for your lead magnet, your landing page communicates with your email automation software and says, hey, please send this out because this person is waiting for it.

After your new lead signs up for your lead magnet, you want to build a relationship with them. Also, what some call building your Know, Like and Trust Factor, and where your email automation comes into play. 

Your new leads must realize you are the one person they have been waiting for to help them. You do this by sending out a series of emails, which are also known as nurture sequences. A nurture sequence includes 3 - 5 emails. 

In those emails, you want to share what they can expect from you, a little about yourself, and tons of value.

After the nurture sequence, you can then transition into your offer. 

Again this is all done through your email automation. It's not something you should be doing manually. 

You need to set this up in your business, so when you get new leads and people say yes, to working with you, you can easily fille your calendar and bank account.

As you can see, getting clients on demand is not hard, but it does require for you to do the work once. You don't want to have that gap of getting clients this month, and the next month you're dry.

Getting clients on-demand will help you consistently attract new clients and bring money into your business consistently.

If you would like to learn more about how you can attract and turn your new leads into profits, join me in my Facebook Group Savvy Simple Marketing Society.

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